Hi, my name is

Sooyoung Kim

I'm a Robotics Enthusiast.

The best way to proving my knowledge might be making something, or explaining to others. That’s why I love Robotics & Education!!!

About Me

I am a CEO of Road Balance and also robotics software engineer.

Among the various robots, I am especially interested in “Mobile Robots’’, “Autonomous Driving”, and “Robot Automation”. If we, human beings, can automate an assortment of repetitive and dangerous tasks through robots, we can focus more on creative tasks that the task only we can do. However, there are still many technical challenges to be solved for robotics to enter into our lives. So as an engineer, my life’s goal is to solve these challenges, make robots more popular through business, and finally make our world comfortable and happy.

And here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:
  • ROS/ROS 2
  • Ignition/ISAAC Sim
  • C++/Python/Julia
  • NVIDIA Jetson/ESP32
  • Fusion 360
  • PyTorch


CEO - Road Balance
Sep 2020 - Present

High precision AMR(Autonomous Mobile Robot) software system

  • High-Precision self-driving robots for semiconductor, battery production and logistics
  • MPC-based under 10mm stationary precision autonomous driving robot system

[Before Pivot] Educational Robot and Courses

  • Designed robot education curriculums and customized educational robots
  • Developed Korea to Japan Live Race Robot Competition
  • Built training curriculum for quadruped robots (Unitree A1, Go1)
Robotics Software Developer, Co-Founder - WATT
Mar 2020 - Sep 2020

Autonomous indoor delivery robot for housing complexes

  • In the absence of business items, selected from startup accelerator FuturePlay and developed business with the first POC.
  • Developed whole indoor autonomous robots including navigation software, courier pick and drop behaviors, manipulator for elevator button detection and pressing.
Operation Manager, Co-Founder - PUMP
Mar 2019 - Mar 2020

E-scooter sharing service “Xing Xing Mobility”

  • Operated more than 5,000 electric scooters with 30 actual workers in Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • Established data-driven operation strategies for collecting and relocating electric scooters
  • Attended Micro Mobility Conference Berlin, Visited manufacture factory in China several times
Full-time Student Researcher - ICSL Lab
Aug 2016 - Mar 2017
  • Developed swarming algorithms for quadcopter and validated through gazebo simulation
  • Selfie-Drone Development using Pixhawk and MAVROS
Full-time Student Researcher - Vision Modeling Lab
Dec 2015 - Feb 2016
  • Implemented various pattern recognition, computer vision algorithms using MATLAB
  • Integrated Visual SLAM System with Small UAVs
Research Intern (International Research) - Digital Systems Lab
Jul 2015 - Sep 2015

Summer research program writing a short paper on the subject of self-driving vehicles with IIT(Indian Institute of Technology) students.

  • Paper subject : Distance measurements using vehicle rear-end Inverse Perspective Image (IPM)
  • Gathered datasets using toy cars and validated estimation performance


2015 - 2023
B.S. in School of Electronic Engineering
Hanyang University
GPA: 3.9 out of 4.5

Scholarship and Extracurricular Activities

  • 1st Place, 2021 HANYANG Graduate Student Start-up Competition
  • Scholarship for academic excellence (Hanyang Brain Scholarship)
  • Startup Support Scholarship (Startup Dormitory Scholarship)
  • Created University Robot Club “Road Balance”

Teaching and Seminar

Youtube Open Lectures
Python for Robotics ROS / ROS 2 Robot Making Tutorial
Youtube Open Lectures
I want robotics to be more popular! And making open courses is the best one I can do now.

- Everybody’s Robotics
- ROS 2 lectures for everybody
- ROS lectures for everybody
- Quadruped robot making course
Face-to-Face Lectures
ROS 2 Robot Simulation Autonomous Robots
Face-to-Face Lectures
Online Lectures
ROS 2 Robot Simulation
Online Lectures
Most of lectures during COVID season were online one.

- NVIDIA ISAAC Sim tutorial
- Project-based ROS 2 course for employees